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Going into coaching I was uncertain of what exactly it would entail.


​I was feeling unchallenged, underappreciated and uncertain about my future career path and wanted help with working out a plan for the future. 


I had certain expectations of what I wanted to achieve from the experience.


Anna was able to smash through all my perceived expectations, issues and challenges and really got me to think about what each of my key issues were and help me work out a way of fixing them.


Each of our sessions was filled with "eureka" moments and offered me a plan and a toolset to take into my working life. 


Anna's ability to challenge me and ask thought-provoking questions meant she was able to get to the bottom of underlying issues with ease. 


All of it has resulted in positive experiences and I have been left happier, more challenged and with greater purpose and with genuine excitement about what the future might hold.


I am confident that this would not have been possible without Anna's help. 


I would recommend working with Anna to anyone in a similar position to me or anyone who is feeling uncertain and underwhelmed by their current career prospects and struggling to motivate themselves. 



- Dave, Investment Director

Coaching with Anna has given me a toolbox to take into my everyday world. It has helped me validate my skills and experiences and allowed me to start mapping a way forward. 


I really enjoyed the different tools Anna used, and how, no matter what I came to the session with Anna had a methodology, framework or even a visualisation to help.


I like how Anna’s responses made me feel valid, valued and understood.


Anna is highly skilled and excellent at what she does. Her approach was just right - purposeful and not too fluffy, and she constantly brought new techniques to the session.


Anna has firm positivity (but not false positivity) that was really calming and allowed me to value and honour my own 


I am now looking forward to emotional freedom, getting the balance right in my career, interesting projects where I can add value, and working with people I respect, like and trust.



- Lucy, Group Leader 

I came to coaching as I felt I needed help reflecting on my decision to resign from my previous role and help in figuring out what was next for my career. I finally had space to think and I wanted guidance/structure while doing that. 


Anna helped me figure out what I want not what I THINK I should want.


I didn't know what to expect from coaching but Anna delivered. Every 90 minutes together was valuable. Anna unravelled topics and my feelings and judgements and helped me make sense of them. I really liked how Anna labelled and explained behaviours/drivers/saboteurs and provided strategies to deal with them. I liked the tables and charts, and the research-based knowledge. Anna offered another way to process things.


 It felt very natural, at times challenging but Anna guided me through it. Anna is open, professional and very knowledgeable.  


I genuinely think I am calmer and more considerate. I take a moment to consider how I feel and why and then choose how I react/process the feeling. I am now looking forward to making the right career choice for me and putting the strategies I have learnt into practice.


- Career Coaching Client

Working with Anna has been so impactful.


I had reached a point in a pretty long career where I couldn’t see the wood for the trees and kept going around in circles in my head. I knew I needed something to change and was even aware of what that could be, but I just couldn’t break the cycle of second-guessing myself and giving into all the limiting beliefs I’d managed to create for myself over the years.


A friend recommended Anna and I am so glad I took the advice. From reading Anna’s honest account of her own journey on her website, through to being able to segue into all sorts of helpful, challenging and ultimately rewarding discussions during our sessions together, I knew I had found the person to help me get out of my own head.


Anna has a brilliant mix of humour, honesty and challenging curiosity (always pitched just right).


We’ve covered so much ground and even outside of our sessions, Anna has been a cheerleader and positive voice ‘behind the scenes’.


If you are considering working with Anna but haven’t taken the plunge – please go for it, she is amazing!


- Keeley, Head of HR 

Coaching was truly pivotal for my personal and professional development.


Anna helped me to articulate my values and strengths which have allowed me to build solid trust in myself and confidence in decisions I make.


There is still a lot of work to be done but I feel happy and excited about my journey of growth ahead. I feel armed with all the needed tools to succeed.


- Career Coaching Client

Anna created a space where I was able to explore, challenge and pivot my thinking on issues of personal and professional importance. Anna’s ability to notice the detail in what I said to her was exemplary.


Anna challenged me where it was needed and created a space of trust and respect from Day 1. Anna’s care and compassion helped me navigate performance inhibitors by encouraging me to break down what I was experiencing honestly. I have successfully achieved a number of key milestones since the coaching started, which I attribute to a new level of reflection I was able to achieve through Anna’s amazing ability to guide me to connect to the important stuff.

I highly recommend Anna to anyone who is at a crossroads in their career or they need a supportive challenge to work through performance inhibitors in service to be the best you can be!’


- Simon, Head of Talent Development

Anna and I have been on a real journey together, navigating my highs and my lows, and she’s been in it with me every step of the way. I’ve loved Anna’s approach as it felt completely tailored to me, a great mix of support and challenge.


I believed in the coaching process before we started but this has really confirmed how effective it can be to increase your self-awareness and develop strategies to

achieve your goals, it’s been invaluable.


- Sarah, Head of Innovation

Anna has given me her knowledge and energy to help me understand why my thought processes are limiting and that I am able to make changes, all without judgement.


I’ve been able to work through my thoughts, challenge limiting beliefs and to take actions at work and to make decisions about a career move.


It took a lot of courage to invest in career coaching and I’m so pleased I found Anna by chance on Instagram – I’d highly recommend working with Anna.


Thank you for all your help!


- Sarah, Head of Marketing

Anna has helped me enormously, and in ways I did not expect. From the moment I first spoke to her I felt she understood me and what I might need to work on as well as obtain from coaching.


I feel happier, more settled and focused as a result of our work together. I hope to continue to take forward what I’ve learnt from my time with her in future


- Luisa 

Anna has helped me tremendously.


I was navigating a big promotion and a busy home life when we first met, the feelings of overwhelm were a lot to manage, but Anna helped me find my inner strength and armed me with some really useful tools to get me through.


I feel far more confident in my ability to achieve my goals and manage the ups and downs along the way.


- Mizzy

Last year, I made the decision to leave a job that was no longer making me happy. Despite being very successful on paper, I just didn’t feel fulfilled or that the job was very ‘me’. Handing in my notice was a leap of faith as I really had no plan, but I soon came across Anna’s Instagram account and it felt like perfect timing. After one session, I knew that Anna was the mentor for me. There was no bullshit, no need to be suited and booted, just expert coaching. Over the course of just five sessions, I transformed from someone paralysed by doubt, uncertainty and a lack of confidence to a successful woman in business with my own brand, which is a true reflection of me. Not only have I taken strides when it comes to work, I have also grown as a person with some of my previous fears now perceived as opportunities. To anyone considering booking a session, do it!


- Jess, Founder 

I started working with Anna only a couple of months ago at a time when I felt very lost in my career.


Anna has helped me immeasurably.


She has helped me determine the next steps in my career and reframe the stories I have been telling myself.


However, Anna’s impact has gone way beyond helping with my career, it has enabled me to trust my decision making and build my confidence, which has had a positive effect on all areas of my life.


I can’t thank her enough.


- Trish 

Working with Anna has been transformational for me.


She immediately held a safe space for me to work through my career challenges and I was able to work through my thoughts with support and encouragement and without judgement.


Working with Anna has led me to take action within my career to help me move towards my goals but more importantly has increased my self-belief to a level that I haven’t reached for years. I now know that my goals are within reach and I am more than capable of achieving them.


I can’t thank Anna enough, she’s pretty amazing!


- Laura, Head of Support

The coaching sessions I have had with Anna have given me a much greater understanding of my strengths which in turn has increased my confidence and self-belief.


Through our sessions, my approach to change and new opportunities has been completely transformed and I no longer ‘fear the fear’ but instead embrace it as one of the stepping stones towards growth and fulfilling my


Without Anna’s insightful, patient, non-judgemental coaching style I don’t believe that I would have arrived at this incredibly liberating shift in mindset and so I would strongly recommend working with Anna to anyone, especially if you think you have been stuck in your comfort zone for a little too long!


- Rachel

I decided to work with Anna because I was at a point in life where I had some conflicting decisions to make around the direction of my business and who I wanted to be to grow my career and move forwards.


I wasn't trusting myself as much as I wanted to be and could see that I was shying away from opportunities due to a lack of conviction in myself.


Anna's coaching was the catalyst to enable me the time and space to learn more about myself and my personal goals, the blockers that were causing resistance to change and ways forward to overcome unhelpful beliefs that I learned were deep-rooted and intertwined.


The outcome of our time together is that I have more confidence in what I am doing, who I am and how I am progressing. I am wasting less time doubting my actions and am taking intentional courageous action.


Anna has unlocked a level of energy and commitment to myself that I couldn't have achieved alone.


- Lizzie, Founder & Exec Coach  

As an Executive Director, it's rare to get the space and time to have challenging and powerful conversations providing the opportunity to explore thinking, beliefs and behaviours that impact how I lead. Anna asked the right questions at the right time to enable me to find my own truth and be better for it. Thank you, Anna.


- Joanne, Exec Director

The coaching sessions have been very impactful for me and Anna's ability to support me to look at problems from different perspectives has helped me to break down some of the mental barriers I created that prevented me from starting my journey.


I am thankful for our time and would recommend you to anybody who is looking to get closer to his true self.


- Mathew, Marketing Manager 

Anna’s approach was warm, friendly and clear from the start. After filling out a thought-provoking questionnaire, in our introductory session Anna outlined the way in which she works, a timeline, what she would need from me and what I could expect to get from the 6 sessions together.


I asked Anna to challenge my thinking across the sessions and she quickly found how far she could push me. She was kind and patient as I sat with the challenge and processed my thoughts. She gave me work to do between sessions that were highly personalised, based on listening to who I was as a person. As a result, it resonated extremely well and yielded strong and interesting results. I have since changed the way I work with very positive results.


Ultimately the 6 sessions were incredibly useful. I overcame the key hurdle I had highlighted at the start but also ended up with multiple options I had not considered at the end.


I couldn’t recommend Anna and her approach any more highly.


- James Hart, CDO Harts Group Restaurants

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